Filtering and Ordering

While you can control the recordset that the API exposes, sometimes you want the user to control the records they want to see, or the order of those records. Both filtering and ordering are accomplished through a generic mechanism called “filters”. To control the filter backends that a controller uses, you can set the filter_backends attribute.


This filter provides basic user-controllable filtering of the recordset using query params. For example, a request to /api/movies?cool=true would return movies where cool is true.

If you include ModelControllerMixin into your controller, QueryFilter is included in the filter backends by default.


This filter provides basic user-controllable ordering of the recordset using query params. For example, a request to /api/movies?ordering=name could order the movies by name rather than id. ordering=-name would invert the ordering. You can also order with multiple parameters with a comma separated list, like: ordering=director,-name.

If you include ModelControllerMixin into your controller, OrderingFilter is included in the filter backends by default. You can use ordering_fields to controller which fields are allowed to be ordered by. To adjust the parameter that the user passes, adjust ordering_query_param; the default is "ordering".


This filter provides basic user-controllable searching of the recordset using the search query parameter (adjustable with the search_query_param). For example, a request to /api/movies?search=Star could return movies where name contains the string Star. The search is performed against the search_fields attribute, but if that is not set, then the search is performed against a configurable default set of fields (search_columns).